How is it Possible that the Economy 70% Consumer Spending?

There is something to be said for the spirit of freedom. Reagan knew this and injected some of it back into a psychologically starving populace.
How can we know what promotes economic recovery and prosperity in general? In understanding what the economy is, we can identify how it operates most efficiently. It is production value exchanged freely within a stable society. Whether it’s Marxian, Keynesian, or any other, we should doubt theories that ignore or deny time-tested foundational truths.
The economy isn’t 70% consumer spending as they report. How could the remaining 30%, in a Keynesian biased formulation, be part government spending, say 17%, business spending (investment), say 18%, with net exports, say -5%, provide for so much more consumer sending? Is it possible so much less business investment, 18%, can make so much more consumer and government spending, 88% combined? Isn’t it just another way to suggest demand creates its own supply?
The truth is business activity is the economy. Entrepreneurialism drives the economy. Consumer spending is only an indication of successful business activity, and it can’t increase without putting us deeper in debt or running down our wealth without rising profits and paychecks coming first.
If we understand the basic economic principles and how we need our freedom to thrive, we’ll see we must stop the career politicians by sending them home through term limits. The system is now too rigged; they’ve designed it for themselves to stay in power for life to control us and spend our money. We must also dismantle the unaccountable deep administrative state bureaucracy and streamline government with simple, enforceable laws.
Ultimately, bouncing back means adhering to our Constitution; the American experiment is too important, its meaning too precious to let fail. P. 201