“People who call themselves “progressives” claim to be forward-looking, but a remarkable amount of the things they say and do are based on looking backward.” ~Thomas Sowell
Chapter 19 “Curing Confusion”
“When one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly.” ~George Washington
“IF YOU ASK someone on the street who they blame for our national debt explosion, what would they say? What are the odds they would say, John Maynard Keynes, and his political friends?
After reading this, I hope you can describe how the “progressive” politicians who amended the Constitution to allow a direct federal income tax about a hundred years ago very quickly used it for an unprecedented federal power grab. The income tax became the vehicle for constant government growth, ever-increasing political control, and debt so enormous it’s hard to imagine being able to pay it off.
Can you explain our changing mentality regarding debt, that, “debt doesn’t matter,” and how this only occurred after the acceptance and implementation of Keynesian economics? How we always paid down the national debt from major wars before the progressive era began? https://www.amazon.com/Economic-Clarity-Political-Confusion-Classical/dp/0578430215/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1547765974&sr=1-1