“Mar 5, 2019 – Thomas Sowell, a living legend in the field of economics, says he fears the U.S. may eventually succumb to the siren song of socialism.”

From Chapter 4 “Progressive Confusion”
“We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few.”   Democratic Socialists of America
THE NEO-MARXIST YOUTH movement we see today is more confused than ever, but they have an ugly influence especially among college kids and those susceptible to radical ideas; believing it can give an angry and confused person meaning in life. They’re among the most disturbed young socialists.
Those claiming they’re anti-fascist, use fascist tactics and violence, but their Marxist rhetoric exposes their benefactors. Their cartoonish fraud is that they’re communists violently attacking and defending the country from fascists like this is the Spanish civil war.
For the most part, they aren’t assaulting fascists, but traditional Americans who love freedom. The news media makes a huge hype of when they attack a usually much smaller group of neo-Nazis; they call them counter-protesters against a hate group. The truth is they’re both socialist punks looking for trouble, but Antifa is a much more prevalent and openly violent problem today. There isn’t an American flag they don’t want to tear down or burn up and the mainstream media covers for them.
It seems those behind the scenes, pulling the kids’ strings, want agitation leading to anarchy first, to destabilize the system… https://www.amazon.com/Economic-Clarity-Political-Confusion-Classical/dp/0578430215/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1547765974&sr=1-1