
Does Keynesian Economics Explain the Economy?

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“Nevertheless, the Keynesian economists have staged a political comeback during the Obama administration.” ~Thomas Sowell So what were the results of Obama’s Keynesianism? If we can understand why we have such deficits & an enormous national debt, we can stop our teachers from polluting our kids’ minds with this awful teaching and vote in politicians […]


How are Communism & Fascism related?

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“Hayek taught his classes, wrote his papers, and debated the English academics, but he couldn’t cut through their economic and political confusion about fascism and communism. His concerns led to his most well-received book, The Road to Serfdom, where he tried to enlighten them about this foundational truth: fascism and communism are both socialism and […]


The Good Life

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For most of us, the good life is more a futuristic idea than current experience. We’re all hoping and dreaming of better times, even if we feel successful now. Those very successful either want more wealth, more time with their families, less aggravation in their lives, or more safety for their assets. No one I’ve ever met […]